Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's Ok Thursday!

Its Ok Thursdays

Today shall be my Thanksgiving edition J It's Ok...

To not like green bean casserole! Not even a little bit. Or cranberry sauce. Yuck!
To spend hours searching for new appetizer recipes online to try out on the family.
To obsess over gluten-free ingredients because of my cousin’s celiac disease.
To still drink sparkling grape juice like a 12 year old. Yum!
To eat more than one slice of pumpkin pie with homemade vanilla ice cream!
To get a second, make that a third helping of everything on your plate.
To look forward to the stuffing the most! And hope there’s enough to take home.
To not allow any of your foods to touch! Even if this means you only make it through half of the items on the impromptu buffet line the first time around. You’ll have to go back for the rest after you eat what you already have on your plate.
To make up a tiny plate of everything for your cats. What, is that weird? It’s their Thanksgiving too! I only give them a little bit.
To go around the table and say at least one thing you’re thankful for. It’s pretty entertaining in my family. It can be serious or ridiculous.
To take a group photo of everyone flipping the bird, and I’m not talking about the turkey. This was dedicated to my dad for not showing up for the festivities last year. He hates holidays, and now has this framed in his house. Every time someone sees it, they laugh. Our sense of humor is crude and for that I am thankful!

(Click on these to make 'em bigger)

Now with a little attitude:

See the theme in my family here?

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

1 comment:

Cara said...

Love the pictures! I want to hang out with your family...they seem fun!!

I left you a blog award @

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